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#9 What to Do with Your Tax Refund: Consider your Money Personality Thumbnail

#9 What to Do with Your Tax Refund: Consider your Money Personality

Emily & Amanda open the episode with our recommendation of the book Black Fortunes by Shomari Wills. We then get into a discussion on tax refunds. First, we recommend tax planning in order to minimize your refund for next year. Then, look to your money personality to help decide what's best for you.

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#8 Why We Discourage Crypto Speculation Thumbnail

#8 Why We Discourage Crypto Speculation

Emily and Amanda discuss various arguments against jumping into crypto. With all the buzz surrounding crypto, we are getting more and more questions about how to navigate it. The key is to find reliable and neutral sources for research that is not pushed by people who are trying to sell it.

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#7 A Proven Strategy for Reaching Your Financial Goals  Thumbnail

#7 A Proven Strategy for Reaching Your Financial Goals

Emily & Amanda work through a visualization exercise that psychologists say is proven to increase savings rates. According to Dr. Brad Klontz, those who spend one hour visualizing their goals and creating an automatic savings system increase their savings by 73% after only one month

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