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#17 Debt: You can Dig Yourself Out of that Hole Thumbnail

#17 Debt: You can Dig Yourself Out of that Hole

In light of the recent announcement of a debt jubilee on student loans, Emily & Amanda decided it was time to dig into how we think about debt, both individually and as financial advisors. We discuss: Psychological factors that factor into decision-making around debt; Creating a plan to pay off your debt; Examining your behavior to prevent going back into debt; Prioritizing paying off debt vs savings; and Emily & Amanda revisit the money diaries they kept earlier this year to examine their own spending.

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#16 Money Matters for Freelancers & Small Businesses: Lessons Learned from "The Bear" Thumbnail

#16 Money Matters for Freelancers & Small Businesses: Lessons Learned from "The Bear"

In this summer’s hit show “The Bear”, a young chef comes home to Chicago to run his family sandwich shop after a death in the family. The restaurant he inherits is plagued with financial issues, causing unneeded stress on top of an already tense situation. The show provides a great jumping off point for Emily and Amanda to discuss various financial issues that plague all small business owners. Over the past several years, especially in response to Covid’s impacts on our lives, a lot of people have started freelancing or started new businesses. These new opportunities also lead to new financial matters to address in both your personal and work lives.

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#14 It's a Bonds Bonanza! Thumbnail

#14 It's a Bonds Bonanza!

Emily & Amanda talk all things bonds interspersed with some "bond" trivia. Highlights include, Why you should care about the bond market, what is a bond and what are the different types, and performance and taxation of bonds.

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