Be the Early Bird: Sometimes It Makes Sense to Withdraw IRA Funds Sooner
Most of our clients who read this blogpost title are thinking, “Where is Danielle, and what have you done with her?” Before I answer that question, let’s go over a few terms you need to keep in mind while reading this blogpost: Pre Tax Savings: Retirement accounts like Traditional 401ks and IRAs where contributions (deposits) were not taxed by the IRS. Instead, taxes are assessed on future withdrawals. SS: Short hand for Social Security Income Roth IRAs: Retirement accounts where the contributions are taxed before they are deposited. Those deposits and their earnings, if all rules are followed, are tax free upon withdrawal. Taxable Brokerage Accounts: Nonretirement accounts like bank checking, savings, and brokerage accounts that allow post-tax deposits and are taxed only on the earnings in the year in which they are received.